the sun and the moon
and the stars
Now is the Moon’s Eyebrow.
When my son was little, we had that book by Cooper Edens.
I have always loved that line.
Another book, The Vanishing Pumpkin by Tony Johnston.
“Please do,” growled the ghoul.
I have always loved that line as well, I used to say it out loud
all the time. People looked at me funny.
And this one, from the same book: In fact, she fairly flew.
This happens when I run, every once in a while.
The Sky Jumps Into Your Shoes When You Take Them Off at Night.
Another book, also by Cooper Edens.
The Caretakers of Wonder. Another one, same author.
Why don’t they write books like that for adults?
Books you can barely find these days, treasures that lie forgotten.
Words change your life, sometimes.
You read them and they imprint themselves on your mind.
Her pupils were two black thorns turned inward.
The Witches of Eastwick by John Updike.
The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham.
A book I have never forgotten.
Lines that speak to the soul in you, written from the soul of
the writer. This connection that keeps humans, human.
My cats talk to me, they express their needs, their desires.
But that nuance of words and language, that is for the artists.
Almost, I would rather read Vincent Van Gogh’s letters
than look at his paintings. Almost.
How many combinations are possible, with words?
At some point the human race will start to repeat itself.
It has to, or else invent more words.
But fire speaks the language of us all.
This is not open to interpretation, it is fire.
It has kept us all alive.
Besides, now is the moon’s eyebrow.
What’s your favorite line?