heat wave
It is hot, so hot, way too hot for May, I want to go out and play,
in the sun, in my garden, and work up a really good sweat.
I want the sun to be sauna, cleanse my body, my soul, I want
to bake til I’m done to perfection.
I want to outlast the flowers that wilt in this heat, stand up tall, stretch my arms, drink the light.
I want to fill an old jar with cold lemonade, tip my head, let it run down my chin.
I want to veer off a path filled with trillium and fronds, find a spot that is dappled with shade.
I want to stand in the middle of life’s endless road and watch heat shimmer up from the pavement.
I want to pull up a chair when dusk comes to call and listen to birds say goodnight.
I want to feel the cool grass beneath my bare feet and watch as the fireflies frolic.
I want to count the planets, say their names one by one, and call them home like children.
I want to howl at the moon just because it is there and and seems to be begging for silence.
I want to lay down my head, sleep the sleep of the dead, when my body just aches with exhaustion.
I want to wake in the morning with sun in my eyes, all shadow removed from the room.
It is hot, so hot, way too hot for May,
I want to walk to the edge of the ocean.