Dec 29 2015

building ladders
on the path to forgiveness

there are always hurdles

hurts and

sharp edges

jagged rock

there is always sky
to fall into

caves to cower in

roads that lead
in the opposite direction

only one route
is yours

to follow




Dec 22 2015

wishing you…



and joy

and light



and in

the coming








Dec 19 2015

first bloom


december’s sun





Dec 17 2015

in flight

It’s raining in December and another year has flown by. A year of sad things and joyful things, hard things and soft things, big things and little things. A year like most years, I suppose.

It was also a year of learning. Of grieving and forgiving and standing up straight, even so. A year of making more room for love. A year of shifting.

The world makes me sad and I withdraw. Love gives me hope and draws me out. Life gives me breath and what more is there, really? The gift of dawn, the gift of December, the gift of another year.

It’s not my job to stop time from passing. It’s not my job to fight the truth of existence. It’s not my job to rail against the frailties of humanity.

My job is to soar, with grace and curiosity. Or at least to promise to try. Wonder-wander and observe. Listen. Absorb. Sit with the birds and sing. Embrace the miracle of sky.

My job is to keep my heart open, even as it grows heavy.

I have these wings. I have this light. I have this rubicon to bury.

I mark each month on a trunk filled with feathers, the weight of a nest to come home to.

The ballast of living.






Dec 15 2015

hope is the magic

and you are the miracle

every day

each breath


into sky







Dec 12 2015


can be a good thing



Dec 10 2015


On a warm December morning filled with birdsong and loud blue sky, I find myself quiet. Standing in my pajamas and listening to a world that always carries on, no matter how many times we think it will stop.

Each time I go in the door, or out, these old harness jingle bells I’ve tied around a wreath ring their pretty song, reminding me that silence is the mirror of stillness. And life is always moving.

I wish for snow to hide the mess of leaves and grey. I wish for sparkling trees and crisp fresh air. I wish to be right where I am and everywhere else all at once.

There’s no wind today, and yesterday five robins set down in my garden to forage in the litter of berries and seed.

My words hide in corners too far away, and I look up as a crow, my crow, flies by.

We say good morning without sound.

The day begins.




Dec 8 2015

tree of life

rising high from a red bed of thorns
on a morning dressed in grey before dawn

and this is all there is

i stand to one side
worn and torn and still exuberant

breathing in the chill of tomorrow
as today twines up bare ankles

remembering to live




Dec 3 2015

feeding my heart

on the quiet colors
of a cold grey sad day morning
the scent of winter
crisp and silent
creeping up behind me





Dec 1 2015

december light

and trying to keep it that way

in the midst of memory

and detritus


always reaching

for illumination


