Apr 16 2016

a simple morning song

of new growth, old sun

rising through the miracle

of spring’s verdant dawn




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 16
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today is off-theme, because grandbabies.



Apr 15 2016

tiny moments of wonder, and life

the world is always flat in a photograph and
you draw rings around my heart with saturn fingers

fuchsia only looks gaudy in northern climates
long in the tooth from measured open waiting since

lavish contains every color of unnecessary yet
all i need is a vessel lined with feathers of fortitude

and this paper-torn chance of morning refuge
simper-ripped and recited from the blacklist of night




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 15
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is a combo of NaPoWriMo’s doubles and PAD’s: use these eight words.


Apr 14 2016

perpetual motion

we forget the sun is perpetually shining

even in the deepest dark of night

and on black cloudy days

and grey hovering




our own memory

as we spin circle spin

never clearly remembering

we are the poised agents of change



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 14
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today is off-theme, because the sun IS shining.



Apr 13 2016

last year’s sunshine

filtered through mother nature’s

winter network

of belligerent bickering biddies

coming out

on the other side

decidedly sky-riding




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 13
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is PAD’s write a Last ________ poem.


Apr 12 2016

counting cups of tea

five in the morning

every morning


you might say
this makes me weak
but my tea is strong
and slightly sweet

and i ask you
what more
could a tired girl





A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 12
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is PAD’s write a silly poem.


Apr 11 2016

in defense of detritus

i have one of those
messy minds

the kind that leaves
a desk
forever in disarray

or forgets to buy milk
but remembers to look
for signs of life
in a garden
in early spring

and almost always
your birthday

and most definitely
that time you stole a hat
and we laughed until we cried
when you thought
you’d been caught

but probably never that
you hate dark chocolate

i’ve read so many books
all the titles are gone

and i gravitate towards
the asymmetrical

because the patterns that fall
from my criss-crossed brain
consistently refuse

defining parallel




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 11
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is PAD’s write a defense poem.


Apr 10 2016


outrage is the new black
and offended is breathing
down freedom’s neck

swimming in a sea of authentic

and the people that rule us
are confident in anarchy
or ambivalent on war
or curiously human

and the sun keeps shining
insecure and self-conscious
thinking we expect
something more like moon’s mystery
or standing still
or tenderness

when all we really want
is (r)evolution




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 10
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is PAD’s pick an emotion.


Apr 9 2016

in my garden

i’ve buried all the pieces no one ever gets to see

fickle fallow and everyday shallow
not enough coin inside oversized purse
cold confidence and chartreuse envy

and in between daisies
tiny fingers
of longing

in my garden i am always
and therefore

sun beat and wind burn
the torture of
bent back
long squat
in the soil of silence

are my charm
and for them
i leave glamour

gifts of
gilded bone and
beaded sinew

and we dance to the rhythm
of hidden heart broken start ritual
refusing to accept the blue bowl bright sky storm

raging just beneath the lost forget me not sea of invitation




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month: Day 9
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and the Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is a combo of NaPoWriMo’s lines that scare you and PAD’s: hide-out.


Apr 8 2016

a picture of a flower

is not the same as a flower
but neither is a picture of a person

either way

a tulip sings of hope
and i
always listen
because if you can grow
even after
being cut

there is a story




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 8
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is a combo of NaPoWriMo’s flowers, and PAD’s: write a doodle poem.


Apr 7 2016

urban decay

you think this means in the country
(where i live)
there is no garbage

you think a centipede is the monster
and the suit is a shield

you think cement is a bed
and people are stairs
and the sky is a mean green blanket

oh, i don’t mean you you
i mean them you

of course

i’ve no idea what you think

tell me

i’ll build a tower filled with wheels
and act the cog

i’ll ask everything you hold
in the talon of answer

i’ll tie ribbons in your wind
and watch the hair

we’re both after flight

we’re both

after flight





A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 7
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge
Today’s theme is a PAD’s: Write a poem titled Urban ________.

