Already, I find myself taking green for granted.
It’s hot, hot out there, and the landscape has changed from the yellow green of spring to the grey green of summer.
I try to remind myself how much I will crave this green come February, but I also remind myself that human nature drives us forward–always, always–into what’s next. We have such a hard time standing in place and embracing what’s there before us.
I accept this as truth even as I try to change it. I pick bits of time from vine and branch, and savor them like wine. I remind myself how precious every moment is, but just like anything you have enough of, I assume there will always be one more. And another, and another and another.
I try to find the balance between my own pragmatic mind and the ticking of the clock.
And then some days I don’t think about any of this at all, because it’s summer, and really, all I need is to soak up some sunshine.
We are always growing, always setting seed, always reaching for the light. I don’t care so much about trying to control any of it any more, I am happy to just let it happen. I don’t take any path at all, I just wander towards whatever strikes my fancy, with dirty feet and blistered toes.
I always end up in the same place anyway, here, beneath this same old golden sun.
My green eyes match the horizon just now, and if you don’t look too hard, you might not even see me.
But I’ll be out there, wandering, until winter brings me home.