travel. {reverb10 – day 22}
How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like
to travel next year?
I am a hermit by nature. I don’t get out much, mostly by choice. Wanderlust is not my middle name. But since I was very young, I have traveled to many places. Through reading.
Places of the heart and places of the wild. Places I would never want to visit, and places I yearn to explore. Places that exist and places that I wish did not.
I have traveled this world, and several others, fallen down more than one rabbit hole, lived more lives than I can count.
I grew up on a street filled with families, my neighborhood was always bursting with children. My brothers were always off somewhere, playing hide and seek, or war, or who knows what else. They were always out with their friends, traversing life through social experiment.
Most often, I could be found on the porch or on the couch, with a book or three or four, traversing life through the words and experiences of others.
I read a bit less these days, but only because I have less time. I am more discerning about the places I go, if I begin a journey and I am not enjoying myself, I go back home and choose another.
Words have always been my favorite mode of travel. Next year, there will be more words flowing through my mind, through my fingers, through my veins.
And oh, the places I’ll see.