Apr 3 2011

sunday sunshine

i too omit one kelly


a line from an e.e. cummings poem

that has always made me smile

being a kelly and all

and always wondering

which one

he chose

to omit.


april is national poetry month


and right now i am into

all things that make me


Mar 16 2011


an ocean of hope

sinks into my heart

and washes it clean

of bitterness.


only temporarily,


that is



i send those

tiny boats of optimism

back out

with the tide.


an exercise in futility,


that is




it rolls

back in.


this post is part of one shot wednesday

Mar 14 2011

what speaks to me

crows, in groups of three.

a tree that stands, alone, in a field.

yellow daffodils whose smell is louder than their color.

a never-ending winter that i have made my peace with.

the promises that life has whispered in my ear.

this silence that pours into me like honey.

unopened buds singing songs of tomorrow.

a branch, extended like a hand,

to land on.

Mar 6 2011

electric dreams

painting pictures in a world without color.

i crawl into this hole that nature has provided,

sing myself to sleep.

when i awaken,

clamber out of my cave

to see sun

glinting off leaves

and green mirrors,

i will have grown.

Mar 2 2011


you write
when there are words,
and when there are none,
you wait.

it’s the silence that drives you mad,
despite its claim to necessary.

you run
when you are able,
and when your muscles fail,
you sit.

it is inertia that holds you hostage,
the resting that reclaims you.

you sob
when there are tears,
and when they’ve run their course,
you inhale.

it is the cleansing that keeps you whole,
a release to fix your broken.

you laugh
when there is joy,
and as the world reveals its soul,
you smile.

it is the hug you offer humanity
that gives you back your own.

you live
when there is life,
and with each breath,
you appreciate.

it is dawn that keeps you wondering,
as you watch the night unfold.

this post is part of one shot wednesday

Feb 24 2011

a reflection

you cannot tame an ancient lion.

he already knows more than you

and besides, his claws are real.


you cannot fill a bucket with hope.

if you try to contain your longing

it always spills over the edges.


you cannot hide your bruises.

they are the map of your existence

and without them, you are lost.


you cannot whisper to a rose.

there is nothing you could say

it has not heard before.

you can only smile at the mountain.

let it climb its way through your heart

and then listen, for the echo.

Feb 6 2011


dancing spots of light and echoes of cathedral
whispering of things
i never learned

evening draws near once again
sunsets in february
so melodramatic

all pretty and loud but still frozen,
lacking any sense
of the ethereal

the real,

all words that live inside another
the way these spots of light
live inside a shadow

a pew inside a church

a heart inside a life

Feb 2 2011

lack of color

periwinkle exists

but only in my imagination.

green sifts through my dreams

flirting with my senses

a tease.

pink stays close by

just under my nose

where i can’t see it.

yellow and gold

have been forgotten.

violet winds its way

into my heart.



this post is part of one shot wednesday

Jan 23 2011

subject matter

i am empty

i am open

i am waiting.

in this place

of impatience

trying hard

to be patient.

i am vessel

i am basket

i am bowl.

air spins round

inside me

cyclone of promise

taking up space


but not quite


i am empty

i am open

i am waiting.

Jan 17 2011

they call it hope

blood red

on a backdrop

of gray on white

color of life

life hidden




for warmth

to burst into


in summer

this color

