anger management
everywhere i go i see angry people
lips pursed and stiff with indignation
faces red and closed and pontificating
their way towards purple
and some days it makes me laugh and
other days it makes me frightened so
i stay holed-up in my hermit house
digging in a few feet deeper
watching butterflies and dragons
slay petunias and wayward periwinkle and
cedar waxwings choosing only the ripest
berries from a tangled mass of elders
as i pretend not to notice for fear
of scaring them off with a ruby-lipped
smile and a heart burst open
seeds of joy spilling out
like tufts of dandelion
and no one questions if it’s fair or just
or whether the gypsy moth has more right
to be alive than the hard-scabbed ugly
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night, join us!
girl with no flowers
i found her in a box at
the back of a cupboard
all dust-covered and
crinkled with age
at twenty three
already thinking
life was so dim
and so perilous
so blank and filled
with dark possibility
cynical and funny
and cosmically correct
i want to hug her
pat her on the back
and say, there, there
i want to fill her
pages with platitudes
and posture and
cross out words
like bleak and barren
make notes in red
down the sides of
yellowed paper saying
ha! and really?
but instead i hold her
carefully to protect
her vulnerability and
the more i read
the more i smile
because in truth
i find myself
to fall in
love with her
a little
she gets me
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night, join us!
seven sisters
i wrap a blanket
’round my shoulders
and step outside
to search for meteors
blinking blank sky
tinged pink by cityscape
and two low clouds
hung just off center
the southern cross
points slightly southwest
and i face north to seek
that one true star
feeling grounded
and whole and tiny
beneath her ever
standing compass
all i need
to find my way
to all the home
that matters
on the periphery
the pleiades dance
because they know
no one can see
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Poetics (A beautiful sadness), join us!
the stillness of certainty
when what i want
is the chaos of doubt
and you
you hide behind
that smokescreen
of birdsong
and pretty sky
where blue
is the color
of everything
but purple
is my favorite
small planes
crisscross clouds
like geese heading
to triumvirate ponds
while two
grasshoppers vie
for one green leaf
and black eyed susans
force canned laughter
onto the stage
the catbird
its very name
an oxymoron
perches high
and watches
a storm roll in
grey squared
in one blind
aurora borealis
the butterfly effect
is the quintessential cause
of chaos
we cannot stop living
and so
we keep dying
time waits for us to look away
however briefly
to add tattoos to our skin
hope keeps us going
just long enough to walk into a room
filled with hopelessness
a snake sheds its skin as it grows
and glides into
a larger version of itself
mother nature’s patterns and
illusions only make sense
if you’re a cloud
refuse to look away
refuse to cry uncle
refuse to be broken
for just now
another set of wings
from a dried-husk brittle
blue and brilliant
flying home
Sending love and light to the victims of the aurora shootings
and those whose lives they touched.
dVerse poets Open Link Night
hand me downs,
heresy, and hope
the rules of karma
are hard to follow
…….so much is unintentional
…….and yet, pain is caused
…….i never kill spiders
…….but stay away from me
…….if you’re a fly
…….that hardly seems fair
…….i am biased
…….despite all attempts
…….at magnanimity
i sit here in this garden
i pull weeds that want to grow
i displace ants and snails
…….simply striving to survive
…….we all play god
…….in our own small way
bending rules
breaking promises
…….awards are given
…….for best posture
…….stand tall
…….reach for the sky
…………offer penance
……………..for a pittance
…………… time,
…………… will soar
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night – Anniversary Week, join us!
but what if the rains never come
she said
and of course, i had no answer
wanting to say
i promise
but instead
changed the subject
to ice cream
and good books
as the hard scorched earth
burned up through
the soles of my flip-flops
tomato plants wilted
we talked of dinner
and sucked on ice cubes
from empty glasses
of lemonade
and there was not one cloud
in the sky
the laws of attraction
sadness weighs
the opposite of happiness
and everybody wants to fix
the world
we’ve fooled ourselves into
thinking we’re in charge
simply because gravity is
kind enough to keep us here
but look at these clouds
painting mother nature’s
only she knows the truth
and being the good mother
she’s not telling
(for our own good)
you storm out
all stomping feet and
slamming doors
pretending it’s your job
to change the view
to make it clear
to reconnoiter
rescuing hope from
boxes marked fragile
playing god
and hide and seek
olly olly oxen free
at least, you think
you’re free
rain weighs
the opposite of
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night, join us!
Happy Birthday to Open Link Night!
earth cracked and dry
like the skin on my knuckles
the only difference
is the blood that seeps
through my skin
signs of life
cannot be mistaken
as proof of growth
sapped out seedlings
burn bury burn
crackle crumble
the will to live survives
the pain of scorch in
this desert of days
moisture moves
beneath the surface
with a ripple and a whorl
as the weight of memory
pulls me under