Mar 21 2013

{scintilla day 9}


Talk about where you were going the day you got lost.
Did you ever get to where you meant to go?


truth be told
i get a little bit lost
every day

drawing your own map
makes living with questions
the only direction

but somehow
i always find my way
back home




this post is part of the scintilla project. see more here.

Mar 5 2013



tiny signs of life
in a landscape bent on breaking


renewal growth



quietly anticipating tomorrow
without calling for a promise



Feb 16 2013



this beautiful mess

in this beautiful light

and that one tiny twig

holding on


Feb 5 2013

conversation on the corner
of dogma and 4th


see, i told you:
you can only get lost
when you’re following
someone else’s map

why don’t you ever listen


i heard she took everything,
even the cat

the rest gets drowned out
by a splashing bus and
the slap in the face
of exhausted exhaust


when the light turns red
and the crowd surges forward
my tall boots refuse to carry on
and i stand there


by two tiny pieces of
strange stranger’s conversation

smiling because
i know exactly
what she meant

and a mewling kitten
is winding

around my warm and silent





Linking up today with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night

Jan 29 2013

and then some

snow crunches and gives me away
as i stalk the howl of this january moon
a barefoot shivering gypsy
in a white gown meant for summer
snapping in the pearlesque breeze

the seasons have forgotten
how to be themselves

your forest is home
to a bird i cannot name

but i am not afraid
to stand here in the dark

not afraid to burrow under trees
and tunnel through silvery shadow

i already have my own scars
glinting white in the light
of fullness

when my back is turned
you trace them with your cold
clay shiver fingers
while i hold my breath
and play spectral

i know how much
you need
this map




Linking up today with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night


Jan 17 2013

because red is never silent

and why would it be, really
we have cool blues for that,
dark midnights and
periwinkle fields to float upon

but it’s winter
give me some vermilion
a scarf of scarlet, or crimson,
lipstick stain on landscape grey

singing loud and unafraid
nevermind who’s looking,
or who knows you’ve been here,
never let them turn away

Jan 15 2013

you have no song
the moon has not written

you steal them in the silver haze of twilight
fighting hard to keep from being swallowed
by dark forest and beckoning fern

snatching words and phrases by the tail
as you fly from branch to broken
in a black ribbon melody of midnight

an owl in the pines smiles at your attempts
to scribble scrabble puzzle out each line
with dissonance and hollow heart echoes

into a ransom note of bittersweet cacophony
hoping only that one star will listen
all the while knowing it will come to rest

in the cached out core of a long dead oak
with shiny bits of treasure you collect at dawn
and offer up as sacrifice to a beacon

that will never shine the light of beauty
on your coal-flavored eye or add the flair
of accessory to your brittle silhouette

but no matter no matter
you mourn you caw
you fly

Jan 5 2013

waving the white flag
of possibility

i’ve spent much of my life
seeking out the illusion
of peace and quiet

hiding in corners and
pasting wallflower smiles
onto ruby red lips

curling inward and
protecting a tiny kernel
called heart {hope}

listening to silence
even as the music
blared boomed sizzled

looking up at sky
while a rainbow
had its arms around me

making wishes on stars
burning brighter
than ancient ceremony

and all this time

all these years

all i really had to do
was open my arms wide
and dance




Linking up today with dVerse poets for Poetics on peace

Jan 1 2013

sitting in the silence
of unknowing

none of it is pretty
but all of it is beautiful

silence is a game
we have forgotten how to play

shrapnel has become
the currency of time
…….. (as difficult to remove as ever)

sarcasm and wit spin down
from two entirely different trees

evil is the root of the flower
whose petals we eat for breakfast

sacrifice always begins to wilt
just minutes after dinner

the moon is not there
for our amusement

it’s a seed that has yet
to be sown




Linking up today with dVerse poets for Open Link Night

Dec 29 2012

the weight of winter

snow piled on snow
white on white
grey on grey
an exclamation point
of black

silence falls from the sky
and blankets
this earth
this house
this garden

my shoulders


i stand

arms outstretched

palms up

gathering crystals that melt
at my touch

ice queen midas

the opposite of gold

yet somehow
i feel

so rich