tiny slices of sanity
in a world of too much and
never enough
and tiny lives
bleeding hearts
doors that open
before they close
window views and
widow’s walks
and the quiet violence
of bloom
in a world of too much and
never enough
and tiny lives
bleeding hearts
doors that open
before they close
window views and
widow’s walks
and the quiet violence
of bloom
there are always hurdles
hurts and
sharp edges
jagged rock
there is always sky
to fall into
caves to cower in
roads that lead
in the opposite direction
only one route
is yours
to follow
and you are the miracle
every day
each breath
into sky
rising high from a red bed of thorns
on a morning dressed in grey before dawn
and this is all there is
i stand to one side
worn and torn and still exuberant
breathing in the chill of tomorrow
as today twines up bare ankles
remembering to live
as i swim through center
muddy toes, bony fingers, brittle bones
i will not drown and the sky keeps changing
clouds of starlings dance in pulse and parody
and i smile at the futility of standing
float and eddy
swirl and bend
let go let go let go
it’s all happening
even the stars
were off kilter
last night
orion laying low
on the horizon
the southern cross
trying to kiss
my feet were on the ground
but my heart kept floating
ursa major
poised to capture
every tear
i search for beauty in the bones of every skeleton
architecture is the art of building frames
i thought i was a writer once, then i became human
the sky is a cage built for starlings
i am the ghost of my grandmother, re-contrived
all the leaves have fallen now and the wind has moved on
we stand naked in the weak winter sunshine,
refusing the invitation to bend
the night
i showed you
the shape
of insanity
you called me a liar
and a thief
screaming your colorful
banshee derision and demanding
the return of your soul
i had no way
to make you understand
i’d given up my science
for you
walked away from theory
and formula
left behind explanation
and conclusion
i wanted to show you
my passion
i wanted to offer
my heart
i wanted to light
the darkness
with new stars
and share the pattern
love makes
as it races
through the night
from you
to me
but you
were unable
to see
And happy to be there, settling in finally, after all these years.
You have to know your limitations and work them
into the fabric of your life.
Pick them apart and darn them back together.
You have to go in circles to get to the center.
All of life is only ever held together by a thread anyway,
no matter how much you want to think otherwise.
It’s a trap you construct to keep yourself alive,
even if you must begin anew each day.
You do it because survival is a never-ending puzzle,
a labyrinth, a fibonacci dream,
and you are always listening
for the sound beneath the sea.
You do it because everything beautiful
is woven of dark’s lightest threads and
every negative space holds eternity.
You do it because you’re thirsty,
and even dew on the edge of a crooked-silver web
will sustain you.
because even the light can trap you if morning
comes too soon and each tiny thread
is a miracle of meaning
drawn tight through the fabric
of pattern’s dedication
with all the patience of temporary
everything we build is false and
ruins prove nothing but existence
which is why the sky
is always the only witness
held captive in stuffy hotel rooms
and protected by a new name
every season
but i tell you
the earth keeps turning and we are all
just figments of gravity’s imagination
built of stone and empty vessel
carved raw in the likeness of star and spider
held together by shiny bits of belief