
one eye to the sky and both feet on the ground
the science of whole and the new math
of half
roses and ridicule
softness and seed
whispers and wandering
never and need
the filter worn thin
and the devil’s
tight grin
and the earth
building gravity’s fortune
spinning moss
for each gathering jewel
in a pattern of laughter
and parody’s waltz
forward left
forward left
sidestep right
black and blue
sharp beaked
shiny wing
half is whole
whole is half
and the circle closes
with the perfect measure
of preen
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 16
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
1 comment | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

it’s not what you think
it’s not that i’m wispy
or somewhat lost
transparent or
barely present
wise or wistful
dream or dreamy
but simply that
i’m always
nestled tight
between the smooth curved edges
of e and a
and most days that
is the only thing stopping
me from falling
off the edge
of the page
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 15
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
3 comments | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

you can float without walking on water
the same way you can fly without wings
sunshine has no color
but we always say yellow
my eyes are windows but yours
are a cage
or your eyes hold answers but mine
are a stage
and we dance to the steps
pasted down on the ground
spin and twirl
bow and curl
though you see jazz and i
hear blue
dishonest truths
playing loud silent music
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 14
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
1 comment | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

to hide the wall of never enough
i draw birds
to fountain up from dark trunks
and skeletons laugh-dancing in one corner
perfecting pretty and discarding
all the dirt that comes from
soot and sanity brushed off
in time for dinner
and a habit
of sinking
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 13
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
3 comments | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

i buy
the wrong kind of bacon
and walk into walls
at least twice every
obstinate day
sometimes i think i’ve gone mad
as i lie on the floor
wondering why all the corners
keep shifting six inches
from blown out
half gone retina
but when i pull myself up
i see stars
and this isn’t the shape
of our story nor the smell
left behind
on a wrinkled up pillow
branding form onto feather
and bone
just a kiss implied never taken
as i dream of rising
and {then again} falling
into the cracked steeple
of charity’s morn
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 12
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
1 comment | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

one brief glimpse
through this self-imposed fence
nothing at all
and all that exists
in the tangled-up briar
of dawn
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 10
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
2 comments | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

she’d flown in from tuscaloosa
smart and shiny when she started
ready to take on the world
her world
made of sky and rain
and wind bent on murder
no one from home missed her
sun rose and bloomed
each morning and moon
danced a parody of light
earth was green and
flying geese pattern
and in between
there were great gulps of air
solid and ethereal by turn
in the end her thirst became
spinning off kilter between star
and saloon
and the way
she kept coming up empty
turned each tiny bone
to lost stone
she found her legs
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 9
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
6 comments | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

i remember the day i grew up
my hand on your shoulder and my heart
left somewhere in amongst the gravestones
we’d run through without tripping
and i realize now we made a trade
that day
you standing still
and me never stopping
chasing ghosts i’d never known
but surely
the clouds sung a choir
of revelation
just before i knelt
to pray for silence
and then i was off
like a shot or a doe or a wild-legged
wind in my hair streaming long
back behind me
your hand outstretched
but never grasping
how i’d left you alone
with your fear
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 8
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
11 comments | posted in 2013 magic, NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion, Uncategorized

as we fly
towards the filament of sun
our very own
mirror map mirage
from cloud
carved by wing
and strength’s
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 7
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
2 comments | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion

your song is less music than savior
rippling up
through barren branch and filtered bud
and i want to hold it in my arms
with the betrothal
of forgotten afternoon
golden grey and cerulean
swirled together in marbled veil
beneath this sky
holding you aloft and me
raking my skin
with feathered dance
and dripping wind
and the jewel you bear
on each closed wing
A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 6
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
4 comments | posted in NaPoWriMo2015, PAD 2015, poetry in motion