Apr 6 2024

call it hope, or the autumn of living

the avenue where
you ate the last fish

as it held your lost stare
(contemplation’s false glare)

and the dark apple
pulling luck under

in the back row seat
of certainty’s corner

we fed our fill
on the silence of empty

and burnished long scars
still shiny with memory

until sky led to sea
in the bed that was always
losing its way

we reached for warm hands
with the blind weight
of grief

grasping for sand

as it spilled down
clean sheets

and returned to the water

salt bled us


Feb 3 2023

on the market

none of us are free

we all come at great cost
to ourselves
to others
to this bold green earth

to those we love
and those we hate
to those
we cannot know

own yourself

pay the price of reflection
add loose change
to the plate of collection

pick up your actions
hold them high
look deeper


have the good guts
to stare yourself
in the eye

have the true grace
to accept
all consequences

own yourself

none of us
are free


Aug 19 2021

we are the dinosaurs

clumsy and violent
in our destruction


bearing down
on no future

the world is burning (turning)
turning (burning)

bleak mornings
endless nights

fear stirred by anxiety’s spear

searching for hope
in a world
already scarred

i have a pebble
to offer


by worry

set high on a shelf






Apr 23 2021

the map of everything

us vs. them
man vs. nature
you vs. me

there’s a circle and a triangle
buried deep in the heart
of every clock

and we run from time
long before
the chase begins

i am here
and you are forest

or i am there
and you are tree

one of us always

Apr 18 2021

the year of living dangerously

and now they say it’s not that bad, the sky isn’t
falling and here we are, bits of blue in our hair,
trapped in the rat-maze tracks we’ve worn in the
carpet, no longer even trying to get out.

and now they say sorry, so sorry, sorry, not sorry
and no one knows who cares, doesn’t care,
can’t care, wouldn’t care, cares too much,
has gone mad with the caring, can’t find
a damn thing to care about.

and now the sky is blue but it’s always raining and
the basement’s flooding, water seeping in around
the edges, no one sees if we close the door, ignore
the smell, carry on with dinner and distraction and
pretend people aren’t dying in a dark spreading puddle
of sour statistic.

and now. the question that only ever has one
answer, the damned unprepared living of it all,
smiling when the sun hits your face for one brief
silent moment, aching for life, alive love
laughter landing, burning through the
empty stare of days.

and now.

Apr 8 2021

crop circles and tiny truths

getting old is a bitch

but it beats the alternative

truth matters

no really, it does

common sense can’t be taught

science can

the word feminism was coined by a man

of course

we’re all lost

on the same planet

i hope i’m gone

before they make the sky

less blue





Apr 18 2017


the face of truth
is marked
by shadow

you and i
we know better

but symbol
is all
in a world
molded by

we’re sure
we invented
clever acronym


we’re going
in a world
losing time

carving lives
from bits
and pixels
and love
from empty


so little

to recognize




Apr 15 2017

virtual reality

the world we sit in
and the world we live in
have become
two different things

by now
fifteen minutes
is the measure
of antipathy
and data
the construct
of worth

has replaced

i see you
you see me

we do not touch

i know one thing
about you

you know
three things
about me

it all adds up

we can’t
catch up




Apr 3 2017

dancing on the horizon
of memory

the ladies gathered every evening
tap-tapping with canes and shuffling mules
to talk about the storm that was always coming
and the girl that walked to Seattle
pain always sitting on somebody’s lap
and death on a bench in the corner
pretending to be ignored

no one rose up to kiss away the chip
on a bony-cold squared-off shoulder
no one was afraid and
no one was falling
for the pout on the face of resistance

by this time they were all old friends
acceptance was the belt
holding the bathrobe closed
and besides, thelma told
the best stories




Feb 20 2017

the sky is falling

you sing me songs of february summer
and i laugh at the absurdity
nothing makes sense anymore
and everything

is a tune
from those long ago years
when we believed
in certainty

i smile and i dance
at words
spilled from
wist and sunshine

so ripe with yesterday’s
short season of naiveté

when we were young
and you were golden
and i
was just a rose


