Sep 6 2011


has hovered
for days now
shrouding my vision
with arbitrary

gravity pulls
on the ribbon
of existence,
unties the bow
that makes it

i can open
that holds

but instead
i leave that box
on a shelf
in the corner

to prove
i have not
been there.




this post is part of dVerse poets OpenLinkNight join us!

Aug 23 2011

a modicum of
arbitrary presence

{august break no. 23}



the rainy afternoon
that calls you outside
to sit still and
for echoes of rainbow
in shapes of thunder

the tiny white spider
that slides down, down,
an invisible thread
to hover and spin
at your side

the slip and drift
that make it possible
to blindly dive through
while wishing to be

but here.



this post is part of dVerse poets OpenLinkNight
today i am also over at vision & verb
with some thoughts on washing the dishes

Aug 16 2011


{august break no. 16}

i’ve begun to revel
in my blisters.

they are evidence
of mortality,
documents of despair,
monuments to motion.

they are mine.

i earned them,
i asked for them,
i paid for them.

i cannot move forward
without them.

and beneath the
worn leather
that created them,
they’ve acquired
the importance
of god.




this post is part of dVerse OpenLinkNight join us!


Aug 9 2011

for all that i grieve

{august break no. 9}

in honor of your death

i have burned the mountain

for it was you
who walked beside me
etching creases on my face
to bring me courage

you who wrapped
love’s first seed
in scarlet paper,
held it up
against the sky
to bring me home

you who left me separate
but never
quite alone
to teach me the faults
of observation

i watched as
embers cooled
and turned to stone

walked among them
choosing shapes
of heart and
hollow memory

until i came
to gnarled stumps
and saw you

eyes sorry
for the comfort
you had made



this post is part of dVerse OpenLinkNight join us!

Aug 2 2011


{august break no. 2}


sparkle green

golden sideways

mute repercussion


what you see

matters less

than what





this post is part of dVerse OpenLinkNight