buried treasure
remember the marriage of pronouns?
i held you tight and we both wish-kissed
and the river ran silent beneath loose boards
and scattered petal
that bridge is still standing
but years ago one side sank deep
into the mud of bottled anger
you can still get across
but you must walk crooked
and the path to the sky
has filled in with unspoken apology
all bridges are metaphors and ours
was no different
any day now the stream banks will sing
with a riot of daffodil trumpet
and we’ll hold hands in the rain
because we have two chairs
and this garden became us
or them or in the evenings at least
you and me
April 8th, 2016 at 6:04 am
I love this ! Beautiful !
April 9th, 2016 at 3:20 am
there is a deep love hear, even if canted ~