
i’ve been holding back tears for weeks
playing strong and grown up and
(a word that always hunts me down)

last night the world broke me

the floodgates opened
and i stood in the rain so no one
would notice

tears fell to earth
ran down rivers
rushed to the ocean

(earth’s gravity bowl
for mother’s tears)

i want to gather my babies
and build a big bonfire

cook them promises and
protection bake them dozens
of hope-filled tomorrows

i want to sit beneath the stars
and see their eyes fill
with something other than

i want ghost stories and
huddled together whispers
about fears they need not be
afraid of

i want this storm
to cry itself out
cleanse our wounds
carry us all out to see

i am hungry for a rainbow





A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month.
This post is part of NaPoWriMo. see more here.


Also linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night

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