Nov 23 2022

the truth of it

is the seed
you never saw

dropped by bird or breeze or
gnarled fingers

holding silent
the cold of dark
the dark of cold
the carapace
of old

tend the bloom

worship petal
over promise

the grey kitchen
sings in whispers
to the rainbow
of brevity

each flower is merely
the camouflage of purpose:

rest in soil

the light was always
your beginning

Nov 17 2022

the other side

of cold

spinning deep down orders
to watch and warble and


the way you stand there, alone, in a memory
of sanctitude

as if
as if

as is

forgiveness is the penny with no shine
worth next to nothing ’til you save it up
build a bright copper mountain
watch sleet coat the north

with patina

so much patience, required
this bold gift of living


over there, the beast just keeps rising
sun-gold and heat brittle branches
painting red a beginner’s horizon

luck is the path,
compass forbidden

embark, unmoored

stand frozen,

these clouds all smell
of winter


Nov 6 2022

you felled the tree

and i carried silence

limbs crashed as everyone watched
gladiator gold and cold blue judgment

but it tell you, i buried the seeds.

tending was a way of life
and you left me to it
trimming fat
from bone

it’s not the burnished quiet
that destroys me

it’s the wind echo
petrified singing

cracking hope clear through
ring-counted hard-growth years

the sunset stays the same
holding space for another


all i want is the gift
of a bare sapling

Nov 1 2022

under his eye

in the crooked end
of a thunderous day

all these colors
marching cross the floor
in turncoat uniform

the way you meant to go
in dark straight lines
but the labyrinth picked you up
on tiny golden bird wings

dropped you down
into the well

of expectation

deliverance in perfect
pirouette form

spinning leaves and knitted landscape
into this holey shawl

of absolution