Apr 30 2015

bury the fear
at the top of the hill

and let the rain wash down
to the valley of drown

in an avalanche of



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 30
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.
Whew. I did it. Thanks so much to all of you who followed along.
It means a great deal to me.
Today is also Poem in your Pocket Day (more about that here).



Apr 29 2015

no one knows what lies ’round the bend

but you can’t stand still with a photo
in one hand
holding claim to borrowed memory
even a dead crow
dreams of color
and everything buried will
to the catacomb
of temporary



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 29
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.



Apr 28 2015

it’s only matter if it matters

and even a star can get pulled
out of shape by the weight of living
and eventually
everything rusts
(except plastic) and you
can bury your heart
in the landfill of everything
but you will still
hear it beating
in corners


you in
and you’ll just keep thinking
you win
you win
you win



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 28
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.



Apr 27 2015

the short long life
of a lovelorn tulip

of course she had no regrets
she’d wear that red dress again
if she could find it

rubbing ankles in the dark
and smiling smugly at the waiter
with his tray of sweets for the sweet
thinking he knew
the definition
of divine

and the whispers she couldn’t quite catch
shuffling by from two tables over

grief and apology
or something smaller



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 27
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.



Apr 26 2015

the daunting dwindle of compromise
{a game of shakespeare}

you say age cannot wither her, sir

but i say what a piece of work is man all filled up

with woe is me and heart on your sleeve and

a rose by any other name when what you mean is

love is blind or bag and baggage but i carry you

to the corner of frailty, thy name is woman all

green eyed monster and fight fire with fire

(really, i have green eyes)

and lay you down under the greenwood tree knowing

for certain that all the world’s a stage

and the milk of human kindness will save you when

the game is up and thereby hangs a tale

of more fool you though

this is the short and the long of it

and the course of true love never did run smooth

but all’s well that ends well and we both know

there’s method in my madness


Et tu, Brute i say, Et tu?*



Today I took Poem A Day’s challenge one step further and filled a poem with
Shakespeare phrases, in addition to using words he coined in the title.
All phrases in italics are Will’s.


A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 26
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.






Apr 25 2015


somewhere in a garden in spain
your long lost great-great-grandmother
buried a key on a gold-plated chain

no one knows this but you
and the ghost she still sends
to tease your serpentine dreams
with the scent of yesterday’s roses

one day
as you walk to your car in a hurry somewhere
you’ll notice the nod of a purple veiled flower
and catch a barely-there whisper

in a language you can’t understand

and that’s when you’ll begin
to listen



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 25
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.





Apr 24 2015

the light in the corner
of existence

i remember the day you died or
to be more accurate, chose to leave,
or to be more accurate still, i remember
when i found out what you’d done

i wasn’t there
but i’ve never stopped seeing
the violence of your last moment
and the lifetime left
what more we could have done

the first time i understood
that life is precious
was also the first time
i understood
the hole that grows with living

one shovelful each day
until we’ve formed the mountain
we must climb
to jump back in

and i wonder if
on the way down
we think of



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 24
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.





Apr 23 2015


what i hold in my palm is not forgiveness, exactly
but my own cracked version of all the ways
i’ve learned to spell

the quest for grace
the call for compassion
the human con(dition)

absolution is not mine to give nor
clemency mine to offer

i can only keep my hand open
mark these trails as map

i no longer need
to know the route

for i stand naked in the rain
of evolution
running rivulets of truth
across a river
laced with anarchy
and stone



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 23
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.




Apr 22 2015

the nature of everything

i want to tell you a secret:
silence is a charlatan and answers are for birds

the sparrow scrapes through a litter of leaves
looking for worm or the snail that will save him


but he keeps one eye on the sky for a martyrdom of hawk
and his beak has begun to grow crooked

he knows the dangers of complacency
life or death, work or hunger
boredom is never an option
fight or flight remains a literal refrain

the sky is a cage of infinity
posing as the song of room to soar

the sparrow knows the gravity
of thinking

he’s a miracle in the melt of mirage

he sings so the morning won’t be lonely

he lives to defy his mother’s odds

he sings

he sings

he sings

to tell the nature
of his story



A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 22
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.




Apr 21 2015

an abundance of endings


i am bent but never broken

hollow but never empty

spent but never lacking


my song is a march

and my step is a rhyme

my heart is a lark

and my hands are sublime


pain curls inside my pocket

a worry stone of wait

busy fingers

burnished hope

polished imperfection


i am magic without chant

gypsy without wandering

woman without definition


i am bent but never broken

hollow but never empty

spent but never lacking




A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month. Day 21
I’m participating in NaPoWriMo, and Writer’s Digest Poem a Day Challenge.

