counting blessings
like rose petals
one for me
one for you
one for them
one for us
may your heart
and your table
be full
like rose petals
one for me
one for you
one for them
one for us
may your heart
and your table
be full
some days you have to cut off a limb
just to force new growth
prune out the broken bits and
wait for them to form fresh skin
cover old wounds
and choose the right spot
for opening veins
none of it makes you less whole
less beautiful
less valuable
your resilience is your strength
gathering force from every
wear your scars like a badge
of adornment
reach for the sky
with wide open arms
the stars will fall into
your humble embrace
and you will refuse
to hold them
their light on your skin
is always
and release is the salve
of time’s flight
all prettied up and fancy plaited
and already I’m cowering inside
with an old woman’s bones
for company
an hour to the west
mother nature has unleashed
a winter’s worth of snow
and i keep thinking she’s trying
to tell us something
or punishing us
like naughty children for sassing her
all summer
these autumn mornings
wear all the wrong colors
and i drink tea that tastes
of endings
a tunnel of words
brambled tight and bunched pretty
blocking the straight line
shortest path
and isn’t that always the way
flight holding up
a mirror
of freedom
while the simple branch
extended as an offering
of comfort
goes unnoticed
these wings
always itching to soar
defying the gravity
of cracked calloused
weaving labyrinth and lace
into a ripe ruffled tapestry
of circuitous
I walk outside after dark and smell the crisp cool of November, the month of birthdays and decay, reflection and gratitude.
Color bleeds from this month in a endless stream of fade. It makes me sad, a little, but also soothes some part of my heart that believes in the comfort of grey, a neutral landscape to paint with words and possibility.
I was born in this month of thanks-giving, so I suppose it’s no coincidence that it holds my favorite holiday.
There is always something to be grateful for.
I breathe this in as a daily reminder.
There were no stars visible in the sky last night, low clouds rolling through on their way to someplace colder, wishing to be relieved of the weight they carry.
But I know, by my horizon, where the North Star hides, the only constant in a world that’s always moving.
Winter’s wife, singing him home.
the path is predetermined by the seed and the soil
and climate’s complete lack of benevolence
a straight line leads only to infinity
and so we are faced with sharp corners
zigs that zag through uncut forest
fallow field
the vagary of mountain
and you can look for the signs
proof of possibility
your only reward for getting it right
but just this morning
one lone leaf was pointing at orion
and tomorrow
it will tumble
through wet sky
the man in the moon
has always been woman
crone shaped and goddess curved
skin pocked with wisdom
hiding coy in the disguise
of sun’s darkest shadow
the stories she whispers aren’t meant to be heard
but rather
bathed in
whirled to
and some nights she goes mad in the space between beats
as the music over echoes
the pounding labyrinth of steps
stretching out behind us
in a field filled with stones
circled by the forest growing through
our mother’s bones
white-silver ghosts
swaying hand in hand
round the fire
of eternity’s remembrance