i sat in a chair and watched the world spin down around me
(there was less burning than you’d think)
more potential than performance
i was prisoner and you were gallow
crazy loose turning noose
i did not fight you
(as if I had a choice)
and you had no reinforcement
smoke and ash floated down to earth
in a flurry of forgotten
(burned into my retina)
i could not touch my toes to earth
you offered this stool
that rickety ladder
a steep staircase of crawls
(i never moved)
and you never carried
i sat in a chair and watched the world spin down around me
4 comments | posted in poetry in motion
an ending
a beginning
all tied up with a beautiful bow
2 comments | posted in i want to be a gypsy, pretty pictures
a photo from last autumn because i’m
a bit under the weather just now
and i’d rather be under this tree
5 comments | posted in everyday artist
we mark the passage of
time like it matters
your sand
my glass
our history
none of it can be claimed
held onto
you extend
cupped hands
to a clear blue sky
trying to catch
the simple version
of this story
but sand becomes glass
and i see through you
this is the clearing
in the forest of forever
the sun warms my skin
even as it’s magnified
neither one of us
wants to burn
yet we lie here
singing songs
of ritual
and habit
until we’re buried
grain by grain
side by side
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night – join us!
34 comments | posted in dVerse, one wrinkle at a time, poetry in motion