Aug 30 2013

my wish for you, and
you and you and you



If you had one wish – guaranteed to be fulfilled by the end of 2013 – what would it be?


That you, yes you, the one who says I just want something to be real, would go and sit beneath an ancient tree until you weep with the joy of your own insignificance. Yes, the joy of it.

That you, yes you, the one who says I’m afraid of being unaware of absence, would go outside on the darkest of nights to look for the moon (which won’t be there) and instead get a glimpse of the Pleiades, which can only be seen from the corner of your eye.

And you, the one who says I want to be authentic, look at your hands, right now, any now, and hold them up to the light, any light. If you cannot see through them, then you are as authentic as anyone has ever been.

And you, yes you, the one who says I am lost. Look into your heart. There are flowers growing there, right now.











This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.


Aug 29 2013

summer’s end



Have you accomplished your goals for the year?
What do you need to prioritize to end the year on a high note?


New growth becomes old growth.

Seeds are set and spread,
leaves and petals are discarded.

Old growth makes room for new growth.





This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.

Aug 27 2013

of moons, minuets,
and madness

the waltz of time has fewer ripples
than the calamity of youth

there is much to remember
and little to miss

except the key to everything
and even then, it’s nice to know
that one exists

i have a dancing map,
you know, the kind that shows
where to place your feet

two pair speckled across the page
in a sneeze of pattern
meaning nothing without music

i’m always so busy listening
i forget to follow directions
until i am left alone, arms flailing
on the opposite side of the room

this is the dance i was born to do
not the wallflower so much as the floor
each step you take leaves an imprint
and each night i crack the code
of your travels

i could follow you then
find my way home or at least
back to bed

but i have bells on my ankles
and this tattered ancient skirt
and the moon plays an old piano song
with her broken, bony fingers

i am night and you are shadow
turn and spin
turn and spin

i need the light of stars
upon my skin





Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night join us


Aug 26 2013

zeniths and nadirs



Where have the highlights and low points been for you so far in 2013?
Where are you now? How would you like your year to end?


Zeniths and nadirs. Two fabulous words.

This year, I’ve come to think of these things not as peaks and valleys, high and lows, good and bad, but as opposites on the same circle.

The circle of life.

Two words that can wave to each other across the ocean of existence. Two words that can swim towards each other and meet in the middle for perfect balance, mellow medium.

Two words that can only make sense by the existence of the other.

And the truth is, most of life happens somewhere in the middle. We hang out there most often, treading water, staying afloat.

Most days we slip off center, just a little. Some days we go off the deep end, other days we make it to the shallows and regain a little footing.

And then some days, we make it all the way to the horizon. But regardless of which side we end up on, those extremes only exist on the edges. And you can only hang out there for just so long. And then you need to swim again.

Life says so.

And I find this comforting.

At 50, I’m learning new things about life. It doesn’t run like a line on a graph, where standing on a peak doesn’t allow you to see into the valley. It runs full circle, it’s all connected, we’re all connected, and even when you do end up somewhere out there on one of those far edges, you can always see the other side on the horizon.

Just keep paddling.

Soak it up.

Drink it in.

Get your feet wet again and again.


Diving into life.

That’s how I’d like my year to end.





This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.

Aug 24 2013

susan dresses for dinner



If you didn’t choose a guiding word, what word sums up your year so far?


I didn’t choose a word this year. I waited, instead, to see if a word would choose me.

There have been a few that walked right up to me, looked me up and down, asked if I wanted to try them on for size.

“Magic.” “Small things.” “Permission.”

I liked them all, and the fit was pretty good, but then this month, acceptance walked up, gave me a big hug, and wrapped herself around my shoulders.

Settled in for a nice long chat.

And just like that, I had my word.



She and Susan and I have been spending lots of time together, out in the garden beneath a perfect gypsy sky. And don’t tell her I said this, but Susan is such a show off this year.



This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.

Aug 23 2013

to infinity and beyond



Count the blessings you’ve had to be grateful for this year.


Blessings. This is one thing I’m good at counting.

A while ago I saw a movie called
(with no spaces, just like that)

And while it wasn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen (though it wasn’t awful, either), I fell in love with this phrase and the idea behind it.

The idea behind it went something like this… “Happythankyoumoreplease,” is a way of looking at both the good and the bad and asking for more. “Don’t just say thank you, say ‘more, please.’”

And it fit right into to what I said the other day about waking up every morning and just being glad to be here, alive, for another day.

Another day to get the chance to say a funny little phrase: Happythankyoumoreplease.

So, count my blessings?

You bet I do.

I have a wonderful family, fabulous friends, a roof over my head, pets that I love, tea to drink every morning, books to read, chocolate, a very messy garden filled with life and lesson, good health, and also, you: the lovely people I’ve met through this blog who come here to actually read the words that never seem to stop pouring from my fingers.

Is my life perfect? Not by a long shot. That roof over my head has a leak in it, making a living as an artist is a constant struggle, and blah, blah, blah, I could make another whole list in this vein, just as long as the first one.

But I’m not going to.

I’m going to just say Happythankyoumoreplease and focus on the first list.

The good one.

The one that keeps me going when the second one tries to stand in my way.

Life is a rich tapestry of good and bad, light and dark, ugly and beautiful, joy and sadness.

And I am in love with all of it.

All of it.

That’s how many blessings I have.



This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.

Aug 22 2013

savor the sunshine



How do you intend to transition into the new season?


Autumn is my favorite season.

These days, it’s also an extremely busy one,
with three large jewelry shows in addition
to my full-time job.

Any day I get to sit in my garden for
a few moments and feel the sun on my face
will be a good one.



This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.

Aug 21 2013

the long lost cartographer



How have you treated yourself this year? Have you kept your intentions?


I’m not very good at intentions. I’m not a planner, and while this gets me in trouble every so often, mostly, it works out okay.

I suppose it’s because I believe things happen the way they are supposed to. You know, the best laid plans and all…

Looking back at my posts from early this year, there were a couple of things that jumped out at me. The year of ordinary magic just sort of happened, and then, well… it didn’t. I mean, I wanted it to, but you can’t force magic now, can you? But there’s still time, and I’m still looking. Because, as I said then: “There is wonder all around us. But sometimes, we forget to remember to look.”

And then, I was miserable for much of the winter. In a new way for me, I don’t ever remember being miserable simply because of the season, or the weather. But I was. Pfft. I’m not one for looking back all that much either, and I don’t really want to go there again. Chalk it up to “perhaps it’s because I’m getting older” and that’s all I have to say about that.

And then, after winter, I got busy. With work. Really, really busy. Which was (is) a good thing. Sometime in April, as I was coming out of my misery, I wrote the quote above, probably as a facebook status. Probably in response to the daily barrage of “this is the path you should take” on social media that I veer away from every day.

How have I treated myself? The same way as always. I get up every morning glad to be here, happy to be alive. And I truly mean that. It’s not that I’m all giddy and happy every morning (if you saw me before I’ve had my tea you would be raising your eyebrows at the very thought), it’s just that I appreciate the fact that I have another day to travel through.

Without a map.

Because, you know, maps are for planners and I’m not a planner. And so, I draw my own. Every single day. Does it make my life more complicated than it needs to be? Perhaps.

But the truth is, I like being just a little bit lost most of the time. I like walking through the woods rather than on a path, any path, even the one less traveled by.

There’s so much more more to see when you wander amongst the trees.

Yes. The best, most beautiful parts.

This post is part of AugustMoon2013. You can find out more about the project here.




Aug 20 2013

the last love of icarus
(an old flame)

all day long i listen to the song
of grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles

after a time, i can hear nothing else

the buzz of a hummingbird sipping nectar
from windowbox purple petunias
shifts me from there to here


and again

and i marvel at wings
quite literally
spun from sugar

you drive into the world of concrete jungle

you drive into the world

you drive


as i walk these paths
choked with weeds and chewed up leaves

pulling a cloak of clouds over your shoulder
to remind me that the stars are always lit

and i am here


with only these crows for company

some days they tell me of your travels

some days they carry me to grace

some days they peck at my shiny rings
as i reach for the sky with lost fingers

some days
they bring me
white feathers

held in beaks flecked with blood, stardust

and gold





Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night join us
Note: I am having problems commenting on WordPress blogs for some reason… but I am still reading!!



Aug 18 2013

looking down


i wonder what she thinks

of all she sees





August Break 2013