building tomorrow on
the corners of time

tick tock goes the clock with the certainty of proven
………….your heart is the art of discovery
………….and we play the blame game
………….as you are driven
………….through the trees to the track
………….of distinction
………….eyes blindfolded

…………………..not to keep you lost
…………………..but to prevent
…………………..the hound of found
…………………..from following
…………………..your eyes

………….down the paths
………….you did not take
………….to all the promises
………….you could not make

…………………..and you are lost as the
…………………..silence in a sea of dead souls

………….which is to say
………….i hear you






A poem a day for 30 days, in honor of National Poetry Month.
This post is part of NaPoWriMo. see more here.

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the corners of time”

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