the patterns of time

Time marks its own passing on all of our faces.

This year, my father turned 75, my mother turned 70, and both my husband and I turned 50. It was a milestone year when it comes to time, recorded with pictures and parties and trips and love.

I gave myself the gift of more time this year, cutting the number of jewelry shows we did in half, giving me more hours to spend outside in my garden, one of my favorite places to be.

I also made friends with time. I stopped fighting it, racing it, cursing it, and I started embracing it.

It is, after all, not time’s fault that we cannot bottle it and save it up for later, not time’s fault that gravity wins and bones grow brittle. Not time’s fault that we do too much and relax too little.

So did I spend my time wisely this year? Absolutely.

I celebrated every breath I took, every sunrise I saw, every midnight moon that called me outside. I saw the most amazing comet sear across the sky as I sat shivering beneath a quilt, I ran seven miles for the first time in two years one hot summer day, I started flowers from seed and watched them cycle through life.

There were family parties and quiet dinners, summer picnics and holiday feasts. Toasts were made and hugs were given.

We don’t spend time the way we spend money, we can’t bank it or save it or even give it away. We take what we get and then it is gone, and we are changed forever by the stamp of each passing moment.

Time moves through us, weaving its own plaids and patterns, creating an endless swath of fabric that waves in the breeze of who we are.

Fluttering, ever so slightly with each inhale, exhale, inhale.

Time is life.


Somehow, at my birthday party, we failed to take a photo of me and my parents together. So my mom asked if she and my dad could stop by on my birthday to record the moment. I detest having my picture taken, and never, ever like photos of myself. But I have to say, I don’t hate this one, and I am posting it here as a surprise for my mom.

And yes, I am in my pajamas. I could have changed, but somehow, this seemed just right.




Reverb 12/Cultivate 2012:
Did you spend your time wisely this year?


26 Responses to “the patterns of time”

  • Debi Says:

    i read this prompt and froze. meant to be, i think, so i could read your words and nod. and wish i was better with time. (and you look fabulous, by the way. xoxo)

  • Tracy Mangold Says:

    “Time is life” – so true and so wonderfully stated. That sums it all up perfectly. As always, your writing is a warm hug on a chilly day. It’s luxurious and I so look forward to reading it. Thanks, Kelly.

  • Robin aka Gotham Girl Says:

    Wonderful capture! Your parents are so adorable…yes, cherish every minute! Beautiful heartfelt post!

  • Steve King Says:

    Great family picture. Also an insightful discussion on Time.

  • Brandee Says:

    This is the first time that I’ve “seen” you, and you are as beautiful as your words! What a wonderful picture of you and your parents. I need to take the advice of making friends with time and live more in the moment.

    Thank you.

  • Quinn Says:

    I love this, I love you, and I love them!

  • Noel Says:

    This is beautiful, as are you!!! love this pic!!! I don’t think you know how gorgeous you are.

  • mark Says:

    This…this made me smile. A marvelous, wonderful and fantastic way to start my Monday (and you know I detest Monday’s)…

    This is a marvelous photograph, and only shows me what I already knew, that there is a beautiful person wrapped around that lovely spirit/soul of yours…

  • Kelli Says:

    Such true words…
    I guess one of the benefits of not being twenty anymore is coming to some of these realizations.
    Great picture too – and I would never have noticed the pj’s. 🙂

  • Kath Stewart Says:

    This made me smile. The writing, the thoughts, the fabulous photo but mostly because I am in pajamas too. A friend called and said I need to be sure to get out while I am on medical leave, I wondered why, hermits don’t need to “get out”. Xoxo

  • Tilda Says:

    it is always so great to put a face to the words that bring me such joy. like you, i do not allow my picture to be taken, but i am glad you did this time. tilda
    ps. you are right about time. it IS life.

  • beth Says:

    i think we all shy away from having our photo taken…why is that ? and i love that you said ” i don’t hate it” as that’s what i always think when i see myself in print.

    you, your heart and your parents are truly beautiful !!….xo

  • Amanda Fall Says:

    What a joyful picture. I’m so glad you braved up and went for it–you are a true beauty, inside and out.

    Thank you for sharing the mindful, celebratory way you spend time. I’m working to shift my own thought patterns so I can live this way now (as a 28-year-old).

    Love & happiest of birthdays, again.

  • ELK Says:

    LOVE this!! you and time look gorgeous!

  • Barbara Says:

    It’s a great photo (I love the repeat of plaid!!) and of course you had to record the milestones! You are so right about time. As I approached fifty, I vowed to savor it and not waste a single moment. Now I find myself rushing ahead of myself again, so I’m working harder at pulling myself back into each moment. Thank you for sharing this! Enjoy your new decade!!

  • Kathryn Dyche Dechairo Says:

    I love your approach to time, I need to get my own head into this frame of mind. Absolutely love that photo, you all look gorgeous.

  • ayala Says:

    I love this Kelly, you are beautiful inside and out

  • nana Says:

    And what a surprise it was, it’s beautiful and so are you, you make us so proud, we love you, love you so very much 🙂

  • Barbara Says:

    i enjoyed this post – yes, with every inhale and exhale we change and move forward….can’t stop it. Every so slight and fluttering. And what a cute photo!

  • Meredith Says:

    It sounds like you spend your time wisely and beautifully. Thank you for this wonderful response to the prompt!

  • little light Says:

    that is a tremendous gift..
    and wow, was it a poignant reminder..
    thank you

  • Cristina Says:

    I love seeing you in your pajamas… it is just right.

  • Cathy Says:

    I love seeing you here with your parents. This is the first photo I have seen of you and you are so lovely! And your words today…just perfect. And I love that you are in your pajamas!

  • Rita Says:

    I have to agree with Cristina..your pajamas are just right..and that photo is so lovely!

  • brian miller Says:

    think this might be the first time i have seen you as well…very cool…time will be something we fight the whole way through life if we dont get a handle on it…sounds like you invested it well this year.

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