Dec 29 2012

the weight of winter

snow piled on snow
white on white
grey on grey
an exclamation point
of black

silence falls from the sky
and blankets
this earth
this house
this garden

my shoulders


i stand

arms outstretched

palms up

gathering crystals that melt
at my touch

ice queen midas

the opposite of gold

yet somehow
i feel

so rich

Dec 24 2012



the sun and the moon

and the stars

and all things merry and bright

to all of you

and yours




Dec 22 2012





with family and friends

at parties and quiet moments

i laughed and laughed


like this day

trying to take a close up photo

and being surprised

by a naughty kitten




Reverb 12/Cultivate 2012:

What was the greatest gift you received in 2012?



Dec 21 2012




turn your face

to the sky

and blossom





Dec 20 2012

love in a mist


i was

one of the lucky ones


365 days

of crazy beautiful

precious life

were gained


for this

i feel blessed



.verb 12

p.s. love in a mist is the name of this flower


Reverb 12/Cultivate 2012:

What was lost in 2012? What do you intend to find in 2013?


Dec 19 2012

the garden of my content


i sat

in this chair

again and again

and i listened




Reverb 12/Cultivate 2012:

How did you nourish your beautiful body in 2012?


Dec 18 2012


i have no place
to put
this broken heart

no shelf wide enough
no bucket deep enough
no abyss dark enough

it sits in my hand



hope dripping
through my fingers


than i can catch it

i stand here beneath
this forever sky

naked and afraid and

raise arms high
until this cracked love clock
my view of the sun

backlit kaleidoscope prism

the color of everything

hold on


i have no place
to put
this broken heart




Linking up today with dVerse poets for Open Link Night

Dec 17 2012



i stood

in the light

and i said





Reverb 12/Cultivate 2012:

How did you make a difference?


Dec 15 2012



for the children


Dec 14 2012

the glue that binds us

My husband and I are quite the opposites.

He is pragmatic, logical, organized, while I am the creative, disheveled romantic. We were both born the same year, but he is water and I am fire. He is taciturn, while I wear my heart on my sleeve.

We come at life very differently, he the early riser, filling his days with physical activity and work and sports. I am the night owl, and my days are filled with creative wonder and work and reading.

We meet in the middle for meals and family, vacations and holidays, and for a few minutes most nights, in front of a fire. In warm weather, we sit outside beneath the stars with our feet up and music playing. In winter, as soon as we both have finished our work and chores and activity for the day, there is the fireplace.

He will almost always be asleep before nine, while I will sit for hours reading, writing, knitting, thinking, often with whatever game he was watching still playing out unobserved on the television screen.

One night a few weeks ago, as we settled into this nightly ritual, my husband in his spot in the chair closest to the flames, me on the couch with the best view, and all the animals filed in to take their nightly places in this oh-so-quiet drama, (the two gray girls in the chair with him, the two male cats rearranging themselves at whim, and the dog in the extra chair) my husband looked at me and said, “so, here we are.”

We both laughed and settled in.





Reverb 12/Cultivate 2012:

How can you nurture a healthy, loving relationship with your partner?
