for seventeen years
we’ve been crossing bridges
as we’ve come to them
sometimes together
sometimes separately
sometimes meeting in the middle
from opposite sides
always finding our way home
to hold hands in the dark
watch the moon dancing with the stars
warm our toes by the endless fire
we’ve been here
and back again
it all started
on a bridge
from one heart
to the next
spanning years
as together
we watch it
Happy Anniversary, Mr. M
12 comments | posted in a day in the life, friends and family
She’d spent her entire life dancing on the edge of perfection, cutting hands and face and feet on the razor-thin precipice of need. Growth occurred, but randomly, and in all sorts of crazy directions.
The light was always what attracted her, when it was the dark she should have been reaching for. Everyone knows that all the real truths lie hidden in the shadows.
But she avoided the gloom like a child afraid of the monster beneath her bed.
She just wanted her moment in the sun.
When it came, she was surprised to see how many scars she had acquired along the way.
Even so, she tilted her face up and she smiled, opening her arms to embrace the warmth upon her skin.
Linking up with the New World Creative Union’s Wednesday Wake Up Call. Join us!
14 comments | posted in a day in the life, just sit there and look pretty, one wrinkle at a time
split and peeling,
cracked and scarred
still, it’s not that hard
to look
in the eye
on the days when
all around you
defeat is the ritual
of rising
and death sits
just left of the sun
right where you always
thought he’d be
though it isn’t fear
you see on the face
expected to be
so ugly
just the kaleidoscope
of promise
glinting off
the corner
of dawn
giving you
one more chance
to get it
Linking up with the fabulous dVerse poets for Open Link Night, join us!
27 comments | posted in a day in the life, dVerse