A lazy day in bed while the sun tickles over my toes.
Five good books and time enough to read them.
A week of perfect temperature sunny days
with nothing to do but garden.
Peace. For me and the world.
A world where doing the right thing is more important
than doing the easy thing.
Enough food for everyone that is hungry.
A house that magically cleans itself every time it gets dirty.
For the moon to hang in that same spot
above Jupiter for just a while longer.
A body that stays in healthy shape.
A world where we all look out for the children.
A life in which hope is not an outdated word.
A world that is kind to animals.
A night outside to sleep beneath a deep blue blanket of stars.
All the people I love, together in one room.
Great wine paired with great conversation.
And dark chocolate.
More kindness. More tolerance. More compassion.
Less illness, both physical and mental.
Responsibility. From everyone, for their actions.
For all the magic and wonder and possibility
that is life to be appreciated.
To be able to appreciate.
It’s too much to ask, I know.
All of it.
But I want it just the same.