growth & gratitude

Two good things:

First, today, I am over at Vision & Verb thinking about abandoning my first word of 2011, which was balance, and maybe, just maybe, adopting a new one. Since I keep writing about hope–sorry, but it just keeps popping up–I’m starting to think it was supposed to be my word in the first place…

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And second, over the past week, several people were sweet enough to bestow upon me the Stylish Blogger award. I am honored, truly, and grateful and blushing. Thank you, Stephanie, Emily and Stereo! So, I am supposed to link back to these wonderful new friends, tell you seven things about myself, and then pay this award forward to five recently discovered blogs.

Okay, so here goes, seven things about me:

1.  I have six cats and a dog. If you already know me, this is not big news, but since some of you are new here, I figured it would be best to get it all out in the open, again. In case, you know, you are allergic or something.

2. Chocolate, roasted red peppers, broccoli and zucchini are my favorite foods. In that order.

3. I read a lot, I am always busy, I am never bored and I’m always crazy (see #1). Not necessarily in that order.

4. Alaska is the place I most want to visit before I die. Not from a cruise ship. From somewhere smack dab in the middle. Of nowhere. (Oh, this is probably the right time to mention that I am a hermit, in case you don’t know that yet, either.)

5. I’m a romantic at heart, an idealist by nature and a purist by design. Except sometimes I’m not any of those things. And sometimes I am their opposites.

6. When I was young, I wanted to be pretty much who I am now. Go figure.

7. I’m really good at building fires, (the legal kind, of course!) and even better at sitting it front of them.

So there you have it. Now for five recently discovered blogs…

Besides the three wonderful people that passed this award to me, here are a few of my newest reads:

Mujerzen’s Blog

Elizabeth Deacon Photography

a muse

Andrea Maurer, Storyteller

Krista Kruger Photography

But whether you are recently discovered, or have already become an old friend, you know I love you all, right?

10 Responses to “growth & gratitude”

  • ELK Says:

    we have a alot in common … that is a breathtaking photo!!

  • Andrea Maurer Says:

    WOW! I’m honored. Truly. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog. It means the world to me.

    XO – Andrea

  • Debi Says:

    yayy!! we love you too, and love all the craziness about you and your hermitness and your love of chocolate. love it all. and love the links to new places!! i admit i already know eliza’s place & eliza herself, where i go to ooh and ahh and lust – can’t wait to visit the others.

  • Lisa Says:

    I came to tag you with the stylish blogger too but I knew I’d be too late. 🙂

  • Liz Says:

    Ok. How did I not know you had six cats? I’m impressed! 🙂

  • Nana Says:

    Again you do us so proud. congratulations 🙂

  • Stephan J. Smith Says:

    You followed me on Twitter and your bio intrigued me, so I came to your blog. I love the clean look of it and just as an aside, I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska (though I don’t remember it…moved to Mich at 1.5 yo). Would love to have you check out my blog and comment…thanks! Steve

  • Krista Says:

    Love that shot! Wow! And 6 cats!!! Really?

  • wholly jeanne Says:

    well, you are quite deserving, and i can’t wait to visit the blogs you mention that i’m unfamiliar with cause i know you have good taste. congratulations!

  • Alana Says:

    I think abandoning balance and adopting hope is a perfectly wonderful thing to do. And while I’m here, may I recommend the Yukon while you’re up north? The Top of the World highway is gorgeous and you can visit Chicken (pop 27) and my old stomping grounds of Dawson City. Go twice if you can – summer to see the midnight sun and winter for the most incredible northern lights. Or just stay for a few months. As a hermit, that’d be right up your alley. Go. Soon before it melts any further. It’s amazing.

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