writing {reverb10 – day 2}
What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing
— and can you eliminate it?
I lack focus.
And time.
I am working on the the focus part, and really, I am getting better at it. Even on the craziest of days, most of the time I manage to zoom into my writing brain. Not always. But mostly.
As for the lack of time, that is more difficult, most of the things I do that take up my time are things involving making a living.
Not easy as a self-employed artist, no 9-5 schedule, no delegating
to someone else, no putting it off until tomorrow.
I am learning as I go along. About writing, about time, about life.
Three things that are all intangible, unmanageable,
beyond my control.
But when I let go of all three and let them just be what they are,
that’s when the magic happens.
December 2nd, 2010 at 1:40 pm
and when you make this magic happen, the sky is a more beautiful shade of blue
December 2nd, 2010 at 1:41 pm
LOVE THIS. I feel the exact same way most of time. Thanks for participating and sharing!
December 2nd, 2010 at 1:46 pm
Me too. 🙂 Thanks for lending a little more focus to MY writing practice. For me, this is the thing: I write all the time – I have complete freedom. So it’s not that I don’t write. The Q is: Writing toward what? Writing about what? Focus, clarity. Direction. Yes. Good things to have as the ideas flow forth from the great murky murk.
December 2nd, 2010 at 4:59 pm
me too…me too….working from home with no schedule and tv’s and phones and of course the computer always calling my name….can be a disaster when it comes to focusing on writing…or anything else for that matter….
December 2nd, 2010 at 5:01 pm
i am daily amazed at how you drop into your poet self, seemingly with such ease, obviously with such grace and talent.
December 2nd, 2010 at 5:07 pm
Would that we all had more time. Focus is a toughy for me as well. Not as bad as it was a few months ago, but I hear ya on that one.
December 2nd, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Time is a problem for all of us. I feel like half the time I have to give up either eating or sleeping in order to write.
I spend a lot of time tired and hungry.
December 2nd, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Lack of focus and lack of time seem almost interchangeable at times … and perhaps it’s just perception, but I hear you loud and clear on the difficult of finding balance.
Sometimes it’s simply a matter of letting go and getting out of our own way. Easier said than done 😉
December 2nd, 2010 at 9:24 pm
i have to say i am surprised to read this. not the time part, but the focus part. i get it all, totally, but always, always feel like you are one of the most together, focused gals i know. (don’t laugh – i can hear you, i know you are.) i think you let go & let those things be what they are more often than you know. it always feels like magic here. always.
December 2nd, 2010 at 9:42 pm
“I am learning as I go along. About writing, about time, about life.” I absolutely relate to this. You are one of the I learn from. Let go and be. You are magic.
December 3rd, 2010 at 11:38 am
Good Lord, I’d better start working out – and growing. For if you write as you do zoomed into your writing brain only most of the time ~ then I may spontaneously combust when you put your Focus on. It’s something I really look forward to though …
December 7th, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Honestly, I am frequently in awe of you. You are exponentially, if not infinitely, busier than me and you manage to get so much more done–including the writing. I have no idea how you do it, and I know it must be a huge endeavor, but from way over here… it looks miraculous. =)